La morte sa leggere

Un giudizio lusinghiero

Con orgoglio personale – mi sia concesso – rendo noto come il breve saggio prima scritto sul Blog Mondadori (quando vi si poteva collaborare pur non essendo membro della redazione, non pagato, ovviamente) e poi pubblicato qui,,

ha meritato ieri, nel gruppo GAD di Facebook dedicato a John Dickson Carr, un encomio estremamente lusinghiero da parte del massimo studioso di Carr al mondo, Douglas G. Greene, autore della celebrata monografia su Carr, allorchè da me è stato tradotto e presentato per la prima volta sul mio blog internazionale:

I hope everyone on this list will read Pietro’s article. It is one of the finest analyses of Carr’s writing ever presented, and I agree with much of it. I am however uncertain that Carr consciously developed the metaphysical ideas that Pietro presents. Carr was unversed in, and even uninterested in, theological points. But that doesn’t mean that he didn’t subconsciously think in the directions Pietro proposes — this, in spite of the fact that he disliked psychological; (Freudian or Jungian) analyses. Readers of the biography will recall that one of my themes was Carr’s fear that the universe had no order. Was he conscious of that fear? I think so, but the matter is debatable. Or that strong women represented his dislike of his mother? Or the emphasis on masks not only in his fiction but in the way he approached life? Or the significance of his portmanteau word “ginch”? Or his strange defense of the Inquisition in his early book, DEATH WATCH or his equally strange excuses for slavery in his late book, PAPA LA-BAS. But ignoring such matters as Carr’s conscious, or unconscious, introduction of metaphysical themes, Pietro gives a strong investigation of “Invisible Hands’ as detective fiction. It is interesting that Carr took the idea for the story from an earlier radio script, “Below Suspicion” (1948).


Un giudizio lusinghieroultima modifica: 2018-09-25T19:41:51+02:00da
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